On-Line Givers;
On November 23, 2022, ParishSOFT migrated to a new platform. The platform has a different feel and look to the one we have all been accustomed too over the years. You are now required to use your email as your User Id. if you do not recall your email, contact the office, 908-874-8220 ext. 301 and speak with Peter. He will confirm the email that you have in the system. Please note that you may be required to reset your password, just follow the instructions as you would with any site requiring password reset. Lastly, confirm your donations and make sure that the amount and funds are noted correctly.
Mary, Mother of God Online Giving
Our Parish offers a convenient alternative to use of church offering envelopes. It's a simple and safe method of making your contributions through automatic monthly deductions from your checking or savings account or your favorite credit card.
No longer do you have to worry about your envelope or preparing a check or stopping at an ATM as you come to church. Instead you will reduce the number of checks you write, you can get bonus miles or points on your credit card and the Parish can plan on consistent financial support.
To sign up for Online Giving, follow these simple steps:
How to obtain a copy of your Online Giving history: