The screen announcements (TV in gathering space & screens in the church, possibly HSH as well when screen is down)
Current Events
Those Called Home to God
The latest FlockNote message
Catholic News & Blogs
Watch Mass Live and the Spiritual Communion Prayer
Called Home to God- list of those who have passed in the Parish, and loved ones of Parishioners even if not from our Parish.
Current Events-List of current events happening at Mary, Mother of God
Calendars- includes Parish Calendar and Ministry Calendar. Also has links to the Youth Group Calendar and Rosary Altar Society Calendar, Funeral & Memorial Mass/Service Calendar, Minister Assignment Schedule and more.
Aspectos Destacados de la ComunicaciónVisite aquí para ver los aspectos más destacados de la comunicación sobre nuestro sitio web, boletines, YouTube, Flocknote y más.
Contiene enlaces a los boletines semanales, los anuncios de televisión (inglés y español), eventos actuales, MMoG YouTube para la Misa, Horas Santas y otros eventos especiales, y la última nota de Flocknote